Sick and tired of being sick and tired? T cell exhaustion may be why. Join Selin Lab in this study so we can find out! Simply sign up and supply a blood draw through a variety of options including a lab order through Quest or your next dr appointment. This all-woman research team will send a package to you, or your doctor, or generate a lab order and cover the cost when you enroll in the study.
Click the video below or click here to learn more.

Additional Research Projects
BIPOC Equity Agency is dedicated to advancing diversity in research by empowering and amplifying the voices of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. Our collaborations include non profit and private health tech organizations that embrace creating more equitable research practices and amplifying BIPOC voices. Learn more about these studies below and join us in our mission to better understand and find a cure to post viral, and post infectious chronic illness.

LISTEN stands for Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences Now.
The purpose of this study is to understand Long Covid, post-vaccine adverse events and the corresponding immune responses by collecting information about symptoms and medical history from participants who are members of a patient community, and by collecting blood and saliva samples from some participants.
Study recruiting is from the Hugo Health Kindred COVID-19 Community, which is an online patient community which enables people to connect with others, gain agency over their health data and consent to have their data be shared with researchers.

The You + ME Registry and Biobank is an online clinical study committed to identifying a cure for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), Long Covid and other post-viral illnesses.
The community is made up of people with ME/CFS, Long Covid and control volunteers. Providing the research community with critical insight into the lived experience of ME/CFS, Long Covid + other post-viral illnesses.
The goal is to create the largest ME/CFS and Long Covid database in the world and provide researchers with the data that will make a difference and end the suffering of millions.

This research study will test whether 15 days of the study drug Paxlovid, compared with placebo, can improve the health of people living with Long COVID.
One possible cause of Long COVID is persistence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus long after the initial infection.
Paxlovid is an anti-viral medication that is authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for 5-day treatment of acute COVID infection. This research study will also be collecting blood and saliva samples to understand how our body’s immune system responds to Long COVID.
At BIPOC Equity Agency, we are committed to the success of our clients. We specialize in innovative diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in Long Covid and MECFS research, but have the skillset to add value to any area in healthcare and beyond. We work to identify and address the hurdles in patient recruitment, retention, engagement and access. Our mission is to create a research environment that is equitable, inclusive and accessible to all. Guided by ur own experiences with racism, sexism and a variety of disabilities, we put patients first. providing them with the tools and resources necessary for engaging in research. With our expertise, we strive to make research a better place for everyone.
To learn more about how we got started visit our Founders page.
Contact us to and start your own journey in being part of a more equitable tommorow.